Review Blood In, Blood Out in Crime -

Gener :Crime ,Drama ,

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List of People Worked In Blood In, Blood Out

1.Taylor Hackford
2.Jesse Borrego
3.Curran G. Engel
4.Ben Acosta
5.Dexter N. Adriano
6.Philip Alcazar
7.Alina Arenal
8.Elizabeth Austin
9.Christine Avila
10.Jimmy Santiago Baca
11.Eugene Barrios
12.Rudy Barrios
13.Jeffrey Bashir
14.Julianne Berdrow
15.Noel Bermudez
16.Levon Besnelian
17.Gene Bishop
18.Byron Blair
19.Brad Blondheim
20.Gina Blumenfeld
21.Chris Boehl
22.Rene Bontana
23.Rene Botana
24.Gibby Brand
25.Dennis Budimir
26.Brian Calabro
27.Martha Cardenas
28.Carlos Carrasco
29.Flavio Castillero Gómez
30.Enrique Castillo
31.Gary Carlos Cervantes
32.Luis Chacón
33.Damian Chapa
34.Juan Charles
35.George Chavez
36.Jimmy Chavez
37.Chris Chloupek
38.Christopher Chloupek
39.Teresa Garber
40.Nobby Clark
41.Claudia Gabriella Colin
42.Luis Contreras
43.Roberto Contreras
44.James H. Cooper
45.Fran R. Creevey
46.Vernell Crittendon Jr.
47.Linda Davies
48.Lee De Carlo
49.Ted Diamandopoulos
50.Larry S. Dorsey
51.Karen Doulac
52.David Dunard
53.Rick Edwards
54.Art Ensemble of Chicago
55.Jenny Gago
56.Roland Gallardo
57.Mike Genovese
58.Gordon Germaine
59.Jerry Gershwin
60.Evelyn Guerrero
61.Charles Guillermo
62.Barry Hatchett
63.Ken Hauser
64.Michael A. Henry
65.Adan Hernandez
66.Robert E. Herron
67.Zandra Hill
68.Jeremy Iacone
69.Paul Iski
70.Joseph Jarman
71.Darryl D. Johnson
72.Steven Anthony Jones
73.Robert J. Juarez
74.Missy Kelly
75.Victor Koliacos
76.Alex Kramarchuk
77.Randy Kwan
78.David Labiosa
79.Donald E. Lacy Jr.
80.Brenda A. Lemelle
81.Scott M. Limpus
82.James E. Marchwick
83.Vanessa Marquez
84.Andy Martinez
85.Martin McDermott
86.Daniel McDonald
87.Michael McFall
88.Joel McKee
89.Larry McVicker
90.Victor Mohica
91.Susie Money
92.Gill Montie
93.Robert E. Morrill
94.Karmin Murcelo
95.Floyd Mutrux
96.Freddy Negrete
97.James P. Noble
98.Ray Oriel
99.Robert Padgett
100.Andy 'Eagle' Padilla
101.Wendy Parker
102.Tracee Pena
103.Karen Penhale
104.Robert Pennington
105.Randy Pepprock
106.Jerry Perea
107.George Pereira
108.Janice Perlin
109.Donna A. Perry
110.Robert Pescovitz
111.John 'Steamer' Preston
112.Steve Purcell
113.Mark A. Rich
114.David Riley
115.Cecilia Rodarte
116.Sonia Rodriguez
117.Ángel Romero
118.Aida Rubio
119.Joe Schloss
120.Rene Sheridan
121.James R. Shumaker
122.Frederick N. Smith
123.Art Snyder
124.Mark S. Speake
125.Richard Steinberg
126.Robert W. Steinkamp
127.Gary Tacon
128.Primitivo Tapia
129.Robert B. Taylor
130.Robert J. Teitelbaum
131.Ross Thomas
132.Paulo Tocha
133.Judy Torres
134.Stan Trevaskis
135.Dan Vasquez
136.Daniel B. Vasquez
137.Henry George Vasquez
138.Judith Verduzco
139.Noah Verduzco
140.Harold W. Willis
141.Marvin Wilson
142.Teddy Wilson
143.Thomas Wong
144.Judith Wyle
145.Chris P. Young
146.Julie Zamarynov
147.Luca Dammicco
148.Consuela G. Flores Norte
149.Nivia Gonzalez
150.Ronald Noblet
151.Abraham J. Vazquez
152.Doug Benson
153.Beth Elliott
154.Roger Velasquez
155.Catherine Price
156.David Lewiston