List of People Worked In Art of the Western World
1.Dave Fallon
2.Kevin Boland
3.Germano Celant
4.Paul Crossley
5.Mitch Farber
6.Mick Gold
7.Gail Jansen
8.Marc Petit Jean
9.Jenny King
10.Chris Kogler
11.Robert Kotlowitz
12.Eugene Marner
13.Perry Miller Adato
14.Julie Parroni
15.Ian Potts
16.Ivor Richardson
17.Carole Lucia Satrina
18.Bayley Silleck
19.Bertrand Gauthier
20.Mel Zelnicker
21.Geoff Dunlop
22.Andrew Stewart
23.Jackie Unsworth
24.Gianni Ponti
25.Russell Oxenden
26.Nick Rowling
27.John Potter
28.Thierry De Becker
29.Laurence Cochet Ottone
30.Coco Kemlich
31.Andrew Maskell
32.Emma Laybourne
33.Diane Best
34.Jean Pierre Janssen
35.Regina Koerner
36.Pierre Alain Cremieux
37.Beatrice Rehl
38.Robert Miller
39.Marvin Trachtenberg
40.Grover A. Zinn Jr.
41.Francis Thompson
42.Linda Scherer
43.Tina York
44.Susan McCarthy
45.Kathleen Weil Garris Brandt
46.William Clark
47.Colin T. Eisler
48.Christopher Green
49.Denise Hooker
50.John House
51.Rosalind Krauss
52.Irving Lavin
53.Robin Middleton
54.Griselda Pollock
55.Anne Prache
56.David Rosand
57.Pierre Rosenberg
58.Margit Rowell
59.John White
60.Gill Slaven
61.Linda Nochlin
62.Robert Rosenblum
63.Richard Brilliant
64.John Boardman
65.Luis Alaejos
66.Teri Wehn Damisch
67.Nancy Spector
68.Jacqueline Sigaar
69.Philippe Couston
70.Lawrence Dodds
71.Jean Claude Mareschal
72.Michael Corcoran
73.Kim David Ferguson
74.Rosemary Fishel
75.Dick Burn
76.Roderic Cooke
77.Melissa Llewelyn Davies
78.Martin H. Clarke
79.Melinda Hess
80.Francis Valero
81.Ian McGargle
82.Nika Cavat
83.Laurent Chomel
84.James S. Ackerman
85.Paul Crossley
86.David James
87.Paul Fitzgerald
88.Jakob Lindberg
89.Pauline Taplin
90.Carolyn Neipris
91.Catherine Stoeblen
92.Dan Devaney
93.Nina Manolson