April 21 2021, 11:39 am | BY Ricki Green | No Comments
In line with its commitment to advance gender equality and inclusiveness in advertising, The One Club for Creativity has today announced its latest Right The Ratio summit, May 18-20, 2021.
The three-day virtual summit, this year under the banner “Building An Equitable Workplace”, is aimed at decision makers with the authority to advance workplace equality and foster a better, more gender-inclusive environment at their agencies.
Right The Ratio will serve as a forum to share ideas, insights, real-world experiences and solutions that can then be acted upon through all levels of an agency. The summit will help agency leaders make the necessary adjustments and about-faces that will lead to a more equitable workplace.
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Being a Force For Good
An interview with Grammy nominated musician Jonathan Sprout.
Let’s join in creating a bold, visionary world that is not driven by fear but inspired by hope. Jonathan Sprout
What if you knew you could be a force for good with simple choices you make each day? Grammy-nominated musician and composer Jonathan Sprout lives his life in that way and invites others to show up in every aspect of their lives. I’m certain that when he looks back down his timeline, he will be able to say with certainty, “I made a difference.”