Convene as Board of County Commissioners
Consider motion to approve Agenda
Consider motion to approve Claims as presented
Consider motion to approve County Commission Minutes from March 2
th minutes
Public Forum
9:10 a.m. Consider motion to replace appointment to Positions of County Board from previous auditor, Rebecca Krein to new auditor, Eva Cagnones in the following county boards; Purchasing, Insurance, Personnel Policy and 4H Complex Policy Committee.
9:15 a.m. – Extension, Shari Rossow – Discussion on hiring assistant for the Extension office
9:30 a.m. – Sheriff Dept – Inmate Transporter/Sheriff’s monthly report
10:00 a.m. – Treasurer’s Amanda Silbenagel – Consider motion to approve partial payments for record #5225; motion to approve adding properties taken by Walworth County to the yearly surplus auction
th, 2020
Discussion regarding Extension Administrative Assistant duties
Discussion regarding the Blue Blanket Flood Remediation on 300th Ave: Emily Stiegelmeier
9:15 a.m. – Sheriff and Jail: Josh Boll & Justin Jungwirth:
Consider motion to approve a budget supplements to the Sheriff’s office in the amount of $150,000 for 2020 and $214,000 for 2021
Consider motion to sign boarding contract with Winner Jail
Discussion regarding Newspaper Article
9:30 a.m. – Landfill: Rebecca Krein
Consider motion to approve a budget supplement to the Landfill Repairs & Maintenance in the amount not to exceed $56,785.63
Consider motion to authorize purchase of pickup
Consider motion to surplus Richo copier/fax/printer in State’s Attorney’s office