The beauty of a spring morning at Ways Garden played background to a dark but necessary subject being discussed at the YWCA Northcentral PA’s “Stand Against Violence” event held to educate people on the issue of sexual assault.
Chief County Detective William Weber was awarded for his work toward helping sexual assault victims.
“Sexual assault is a horrendous crime that inflicts unimaginable pain,” said Dawn Linn, the YWCA’s executive director.
“It is hard to believe that one in six women during their lifetime will be impacted by sexual assault,” she said.
She noted that in 2020, the YWCA served over 240 Lycoming County individuals who were impacted by sexual assault. Victims included both males and females.
The weather is breaking and those who care about accessibility in Williamsport’s nine parks were given assignments to check for inclusivity and access as the city consulting firms go after federal and state government grants.
Three of the members on City Council’s accessibility advisory commission Thursday said during the meeting on Zoom that they were willing to go out and check on any issues they find that may be able to put on a list for two of the city economic development consulting firms – Delta Development Group and Thomas Keller and Keller Partners.
The inspections will look at: Memorial Park, Newberry/Phil Preziosi Park; Youngs Woods Park, Lose Park, Ways Garden, East End Park, Veterans Memorial Park and Brandon Park.