by Jasmyne Keimig • May 6, 2021 at 8:34 am G day, mate! Al Loo/Getty
Trillions of cicadas are coming: After 17 years in the ground, Brood X will emerge from the dirt, swarm surfaces, and emit their signature trills in the next few days and weeks, reports The Hill. The bugs usually don t pop up until the ground temperature hits 64 degrees, but thanks to global warming they are set to emerge earlier than ever. Be on the watch for these freaky bugs in Delaware, D.C., George, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Federal Way approves $3 an hour hazard pay for grocery store workers
Small grocers may apply for a grant to make up the difference in pay, according to the ordinance.
Credit: littlewolf1989 - Author: KING 5 Staff Updated: 6:13 PM PDT May 5, 2021
FEDERAL WAY, Wash. The Federal Way City Council voted to mandate a $3 per hour hazard pay raise for frontline grocery store workers.
The ordinance goes into effect on May 15. Employees at Safeway, Walmart, Winco and Fred Meyer will get the raise. Smaller grocers like Grocery Outlet are also impacted but may apply for grant money through the American Rescue Plan to make up the difference, according to the ordinance.
April 19th, 2021 in Featured. Closed
Lydia Assefa-Dawson, a member the Federal Way City Council in King County, Washington [located within the Seattle metropolitan area] has announced that she is running for King County Council District 7 seat. According to her campaign Lydia, who is Ethiopian American, pledges to bring leadership and perspectives as a housing advocate, person with disabilities, immigrant, and mom. (Courtesy photo)
Federal Way Mirror
Federal Way Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson announces run for King County Council District 7
Lydia Assefa-Dawson formally announced her campaign to challenge 28-year incumbent Pete von Reichbauer for King County Council, Position 7.
Assefa-Dawson, in her second full term on the Federal Way City Council, believes it is time to take it to the next level in order to reflect the rapid demographic changes and economic challenges facing families in the district, which includes Federal Way, Auburn, Kent, Milton, A
King County needle exchange program halted in Federal Way after outcry from city leaders
A mobile needle exchange program has been put on hold in Federal Way, after the city’s mayor, city council, and several residents expressed concerns over the way it operates.
Concerns first began to take shape in late March, after a Federal Way woman witnessed a Seattle-King County Public Health van exchanging needles in a park-and-ride lot. Posing as a drug user, she reported being able to receive a box of 100 needles, and observed people shooting up blocks away from the exchange.
Not long after that, Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell expressed frustration with the program, stating that he was not aware the county was offering the service to those without permanent residences, and that the county was “certainly not doing this with our consent or even notification.”
Controversial needle exchange program suspended in Federal Way Tammy Mutasa, KOMO News Reporter
Controversial needle exchange program suspended in King County
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A Federal Way woman posed as a drug user and said outreach workers gave her 100 clean needles.
Now it has city officials calling for a pause on the Federal Way needle exchange program in the city.
At a meeting Tuesday of the Federal Way City Council, at least a dozen neighbors expressed concerns about crime going up and needles turning up everywhere in the community.
While others said if the program is gone for good, it will only make things worse.