March 11, 2021 2:00 PM to
March 11, 2021 3:00 PM Virtual
Join us Thursday, March 11th from 2pm-3pm EST for a webinar on the new solicitation, Understanding the Rules of Life: Emerging Networks (URoL:EN, NSF 21-560). Program Officers will provide an introduction to the new cross-Directorate solicitation and representatives from the program will be available for questions.
As part of the
Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype, one of ten “Big Ideas” NSF-wide, this new solicitation builds on previous URoL programs to help increase knowledge and the ability to predict an organism’s observable characteristics its phenotype from its genotype. Understanding the mechanisms at play in the interconnections between living organisms and their environments, across every biological scale, will provide vital insight into grand biological challenges, help advance biotechnology to spur the US bioeconomy, and a