Short’s Brewing unveils 2021 lineup of Arcadia Brewing beers including Hopmouth, Jaw-Jacker
Updated Jan 21, 2021;
Posted Jan 21, 2021
Whitsun, Sippelicious Wheat Ale, Porter Rico, Loch Down Scotch, Hopmouth and Jaw-Jacker are among the Arcadia beers that will be released in 2021.
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ELK RAPIDS, MI – Short’s Brewing Company is rolling out additional beers crafted by the shuttered Arcadia Brewing Company.
The Northern Michigan company announced plans to bring back Arcadia Brewing Company products through its alterative beverage brand, Superfluid Supply Co. in June of 2020 by releasing its iconic Whitsun Wheat Ale.
The re-launch was a success, leading Short’s to announce a 2021 lineup of heavy hitters for 2021 including two rotating products, a bi-annual offering and quarterly seasonal beers.