FACT CHECK: Old Rs 100 notes going out of circulation by March? Here's what RBI said - Even after 15 years of the introduction of Rs 10 coin, traders and businessmen have not accepted the coins which has become a problem for banks.
RBI spokesperson dismissed reports that claimed that old currency of Rs 100 would go out of circulation by March-April.
The central bank termed the reports as baseless and wrong.
It said the RBI is not planning any such move.
NEW DELHI: Amid speculations and reports doing round that the circulation of old currency notes of Rs 100, 10 and 5 would stop permanently by March-April, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said that the Central bank has no such plans and termed the report as fake . An RBI spokesperson thrashed such false reports and clarified that they are not planning any such move. However, there is no official confirmation from RBI as of yet on the matter.