Astral Codex Ten
2 hr ago
Who among us hasn t looked out at the great edifice of human civilization in all its complexity, and thought Yeah okay but I could do it better ? Centuries of utopian communes, micronations, and seasteads have dreamed of rebuilding society from first principles, free from entrenched interests and the debris of the past. If you got all the laws and values just right, maybe you could prevent poverty and corruption from finding their first footholds. Do the liberty and justice for all thing, but for real.
And who among us, having had the dream, hasn t entered into multi-year negotiations with the government of Honduras? Taken advantage of a clause in the Honduras-Kuwait Treaty Of Reciprocal Investment guaranteeing them their right to pursue their vision unmolested? Raised millions in venture capital and bought land on a Caribbean island to turn it into a reality?
Deal ensures Granite Staters access to refurbished medical equipment
By Karen Dandurant
CONCORD – Granite State Independent Living has signed a grant agreement with Crotched Mountain Foundation to assume ownership of the Refurbished Equipment Marketplace.
The difference between the cost of a new power wheelchair, and one that has been used and completely refurbished might be $30,000. That’s what Refurbished Equipment Marketplace (REM) offers, gently used medical equipment, a program that will now be administered by Granite State Independent Living (GSIL).
“We always had a good working relationship with REM, between what they do, and what we do,” said Lisabritt Solsky, Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development for GSIL. “We often refer our clients to them. So, when we were contacted by Crotched Mountain, it was because they felt REM was a program that is important to the community, but not one that fit in their reimaging of their organization. We jumped at th