Monday, 15 March 2021
DNV has generated and analyzed 20,000 years of plausible weather and power production for ISO New England (ISO-NE). With the completion of this project, which began at the end of 2019, ISO-NE can now understand the magnitude, frequency and duration of events like cold snaps or heat waves which drive regional load, as well as their correlation to wind and solar lulls as they pertain to current and future variable energy resources like wind and solar energy plants. Pixabay
Climate change is increasing the risk and frequency of rare or extreme weather events and disruptions to the stability of the electrical grid. Amplifying the need for risk analysis and forecasting for these events is the significant growth of offshore wind on the East Coast of the United States and its impact on grid operations due to variable and uncertain weather patterns.
COVID-19 & Looking Ahead to 2021 and Beyond, Insights from Soltec Battery investors, EPCs, and developers need confidence that their battery choice is right for their application, the warranties are sound, performance is predictable, and systems are safe. A robust and independent testing program is foundational to the future of the industry. The Battery Performance Scorecard builds confidence and helps to accelerate the market, making data about battery safety and performance more transparent and easier to verify with independent reviews, said Richard S. Barnes, region president North America at DNV GL - Energy.
The industry is changing: Despite the impact of COVID-19, the energy storage market is growing and transforming, which demands increased investment assurance.