Inside Track - latest update from our President 22 Jan 2021
Welcome to 2021! Welcome to the latest edition of Inside Track , providing regular updates on the Institution s Trustee Board activities.
Welcome to this New Year edition of Inside Track. It is largely a repeat of the one that went out a day or two before Christmas but many people said they did not see that one. It is quite long due to the high volume of Trustee Board activity which we would like to share with you, but we hope that you find it useful. Please ‘click’ at the end if you would like to receive future editions directly by email.
Inside Track - latest update from our President 17 Dec 2020
Merry Christmas from all at IMechE! Welcome to the latest edition of Inside Track a new communication to provide regular updates on the Institution s Trustee Board activities.
Welcome to this Christmas edition of Inside Track. It is a longer than normal due to the high volume Trustee Board activity which we would like to share with you. We get lots of encouraging feedback on Inside Track , suggesting it is a valued communication, but it is only one of many communication channels we use. I hope those of you who use social media, also follow the IMechE, and enjoy the many news items, videos and podcasts that we produce. I know social media is not for everyone, but it can be a quick and effective media and our engagement continues to grow.