I m standing here feeling so stunned and grateful to be part of this - but I m also feeling out of sorts, because so many of the brilliant, tireless colleagues who spent last year communicating. | June 12, 2021
The White House
4:03 P.M. EST
MS. PSAKI: Good afternoon. Thank you for joining us today. Many familiar faces from yesterday back again. We are pleased to have Dr. Fauci here with us as part of the President’s commitment to have public health experts lead our communication with the American people about the pandemic.
Just to give you a bit of a run of show here: Dr. Fauci will speak at the top about the state of the pandemic, the status of vaccines. He’ll take some of your questions. I will play the role of the bad cop when it’s time for him to go and get to the work of the American people. And then I will do a topper, and I’ll answer a bunch of your questions as well.
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Despite avoiding a government shutdown, Washington has still been launched into a week with a flurry of legislative activity with high stakes for both parties. | Jacquelyn Martin/AP Photo
YES, WASHINGTON HAS AVOIDED A GOVERNMENT shutdown. But the late-December and early-January doldrums we’re accustomed to