Jerry Lambert, of Huntington, left, receives a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine from registered nurse Cindy Del Checcolo during the Cabell-Huntington Health Departmentâs vaccine clinic on April 2, 2021, at the former Sears location at the Huntington Mall in Barboursville.
Sholten Singer | The Herald-Dispatch
8 new COVID-19 cases reported… Final ‘OVP COVID Update’
Staff Report
Editor’s Note: This will be Ohio Valley Publishing’s final, regular COVID-19 update as cases continue to decline and restrictions are lifted. However, OVP will continue to monitor and report on any major developments regarding the pandemic as it relates to our readership area.
OHIO VALLEY Eight COVID-19 cases were reported this week in the Ohio Valley Publishing area, six in Gallia County and two in Meigs County.
Here is a closer look at COVID-19 cases in the region and state:
Gallia County
ODH reported a total of 2,396 cases of COVID-19 (since March 2020) in Gallia County as part of Friday’s update, the six more than on Tuesday.
2 new COVID-19 cases reported… Latest case data
Staff Report
Editor’s Note: As COVID-19 case numbers continue to decrease and order are lifted, Ohio Valley Publishing plans to provided updates twice per week unless the information dictates otherwise.
OHIO VALLEY Two additional COVID-19 cases were reported over the long weekend in Gallia County.
Two new COVID-19 cases were reported in Gallia County over the weekend, according to the Ohio Department of Health on Tuesday.
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resource (DHHR) reported no additional cases in Mason County on Tuesday.
An update from the Meigs County Health Department is expected later this week.