‘Vax Facts’ campaign going door to door in Northampton
Karen Newton, left, a pharmacist at Walgreens, administers a COVID-19 vaccination to Lathrop Retirement Community resident Marney Smith, 88, right after Smith’s husband, Fred Smith, 96, at right, received his shot during a vaccine clinic at the senior living community in Easthampton on Monday, Jan. 18, 2021. GAZETTE FILE PHOTO
Published: 4/26/2021 2:55:50 PM
NORTHAMPTON Volunteers will be going door to door in the city starting this week to distribute information on where residents can go to schedule vaccinations for COVID-19.
The “Vax Facts” campaign, a program of the community group Northampton Neighbors, aims to leave COVID door tags on some 7,500 residences in the city, while also leaving 750 flyers in apartment complexes and subsidized housing units in town, according to Madeline Lenz, the program’s coordinator.