/ Napanee Today
May 20, 2021 | 9:30 AM
The Napanee & District Chamber of Commerce is wanting local business in Lennox and Addington to know of the free Rapid Covid 19 tests available to them.
Each business is able to pick up a two-week supply allowing two tests per week per employee at a time. Participating businesses will be required to track and report all results weekly to the Greater Kingston Chamber, and those results will be shared with the Ontario and federal Ministries of Health. Businesses are also required to report positive or inconclusive cases to KFL&A Public Health.
myFM spoke with Megan Sands, Business Manager with the Napanee & District Chamber of Commerce, who says they have partnered with the Kingston Chamber to deliver the kits to the KFL&A community.
/ Napanee Today
Feb 22, 2021 6:05 AM
Greater Napanee’s Chamber of Commerce is being nimble as it advocates for businesses in a COVID world.
Chamber business manager Megan Sands tells myFM they’re looking at streamlining some value based programs.
New Tech Aims to Tackle ‘Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation’ Blood Disorder
[Editor s note from Tracey du Laney, Ph.D., the North Carolina Biotechnology Center’s senior director of Science and Technology Development, who oversees this grant
: This line of research exemplifies what a Flash Grant is all about. The nanosphere technology that Dr. Brown’s team is developing addresses a large patient population with unmet needs in a new way. It could lead to new therapeutics to treat disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC results not just from sepsis and cancer, but also has emerged as a life-threatening condition with COVID-19. Using new technologies to treat new threats and disrupt current methods of treating patients is a great example of a Flash Grant.]
Researchers have developed a new tool for addressing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) - a blood disorder that proves fatal in many patients..
RALEIGH - Researchers have developed a new tool for addressing disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) – a blood disorder that proves fatal in many