If a bank has multiple types of checking or savings accounts, different ones will probably come with different fees. Often, a more robust account charges a higher fee. A basic checking account may charge $5 per month, while a rewards checking account may charge $12 per month, for instance.
How to avoid a monthly maintenance fee
Most banks make it possible to waive monthly maintenance fees.
In many cases, you ll need to maintain a certain balance. You could waive the fee if you keep a minimum daily balance or an average daily balance over the course of the month.
Some checking accounts
Personal Finance Insider writes about products, strategies, and tips to help you make smart decisions with your money. We may receive a small commission from our partners, like American Express, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.
First Republic Bank (Member FDIC) is a bank with branches in CA, CT, FL, MA, NY, OR, and WY.
First Republic pays higher interest rates than many brick-and-mortar banks.
The minimum opening deposits and monthly fees can be high, though you may be able to waive them.
This post was updated and reviewed on March 30, 2021: We updated this review with a new section on First Republic s Better Business Bureau rating and reputation as a company. We re currently adding information on trustworthiness to all of Personal Finance Insider s reviews.