East Lyme
Monday Annual town meeting, 7 p.m., East Lyme High School auditorium and remote access.
Tuesday Board of Selectmen special meeting, 7 p.m. remote access; Board of Selectmen regular meeting, immediately following special meeting, remote access.
Wednesday Police Commission, 6 p.m., remote access; Board of Finance special meeting, 6:30 p.m., remote access; Parks & Recreation Commission, 7 p.m., Community Center; Zoning Commission, 7:30 p.m. remote access.
Groton City
Virtual meeting information will be provided on the city calendar at cityofgroton.com in the meeting agenda. Mayor & City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings will broadcast live on GMTV.
Tuesday Conservation Commission, 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers/virtual via Zoom (not televised).
Stonington The proposed Mystic River Boathouse Park project, which has made little progress since residents approved a $2.2 million bond to buy and develop the Route 27 site in 2016, has now taken two major steps forward.
On Wednesday, the Board of Selectmen voted to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Stonington Community Rowing Center that delineates the obligations of both parties in the development and operation of the public park. The agreement is expected to help the rowing center raise funds as it formalizes its ability to use and develop the town-owned site, as well as the town s responsibilities to create the park.
Stonington The town is partnering with the Trust for Public Land to purchase and preserve 224 acres of forest and farmland off Al Harvey Road.
The trust and the town now have 12 months to raise the $1.1 million needed to acquire the three parcels from trustee Katherine Anne Brewster-Duffy of Los Altos, Calif.
The fundraising effort will involve a mix of private donations and possibly federal or state grants. The town also has $318,000 in open space funds that could be used. By protecting three properties on Al Harvey we could create a community asset with significant ecological, recreational, economic, and social benefits for Stonington residents and visitors, states a fact sheet distributed by the town.