Dec 21, 2020
Officials with the Indian Creek Local School District celebrated a milestone Wednesday when two special beams were lowered into place at the construction site of the district’s new high school.
What made the installation of the two 24-foot-long girders special was that they held the signatures of 560 students 35 staff members. They were among those who had been invited to sign the beams during the first week of October.
The idea was suggested by Kim Adams, director of business development for Hammond Construction, the general contractor on the project. It offered a way for people to be tied to the building, which is symbolically important since a groundbreaking that had been planned for April had to be canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Staff writer
MAKING PROGRESS â From left, John Belt, assistant superintendent of the Indian Creek School District; Bob Smith, a member of the board of education; and Indian Creek Schools Superintendent T.C. Chappelear were on hand Wednesday to observe the lowering of two steel beams signed by students and staff into the new high school. Contributed
WINTERSVILLE Indian Creek Local School District officials had planned to hold a groundbreaking in April for the new Indian Creek High School, but that event was canceled when schools were closed statewide because of the pandemic.
Instead, they gathered Wednesday to observe as two 24-foot-long steel beams that had been signed by hundreds of students and staff were lowered into place.