The economic offences wing (EOW) of Chennai Police on Friday arrested Ravi Parthasarathy, former chief of crisis-hit Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) in the Rs200 crore cheating and criminal breach of trust case filed by 63 moon technologies ltd.
: Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 7:14 PM IST
Mumbai: Crime branch busts interstate racket; 2 Audis, 2 Mercedes, Mini Coopers, MG Hector seized from gang of seven
The Mumbai crime branch unit 5 has busted an interstate racket indulged in procuring high-end cars on loan from nationalise banks and later selling them fraudulently.
Mumbai: Crime branch busts interstate racket; 2 Audis, 2 Mercedes, Mini Coopers, MG Hector seized from gang of seven
The Mumbai crime branch unit 5 has busted an interstate racket indulged in procuring high-end cars on loan from nationalise banks and later selling them fraudulently. The crime branch has so far arrested seven accused and seized 19 high end cars including two Audi, 2 Mercedes, Mini Coopers, MG Hector, Toyota Fortuner and so on. The gang was operating from last two years and involvement of bank officials could not be ruled out, said police.