Times Leader Staff Writer
ST. CLAIRSVILLE Belmont County marked Foster Parent Appreciation Month Wednesday, recognizing the families who have opened their arms to children who have experienced trauma at home, compiled with being removed from their birth parents.
The county commissioners heard from Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services Director Jeff Felton and staff including Children Services Administrator Christine Parker
Felton said the county currently has 31 licensed foster homes, and more are expected to be available soon.
“Seven more are in the pipeline to be certified. They went through training and have to do home studies, background checks and references,” Felton said.
Staff Writer
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Larry Barnes, commander of the St. Clairsville American Legion, congratulates Lacey Paxton, veteran of the month. Paxton served in the National Guard in Iraq during the War on Terror and continues to assist veterans while working at the Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services.
ST. CLAIRSVILLE Lacey Paxton stepped up to serve her country, enlisting shortly after the War on Terror was launched, and can now be found at the Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services helping her fellow veterans.
She is the St. Clairsville American Legion’s Veteran of the Month.
Staff Writer
COLUMBUS Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services Director Jeff Felton weighed in as Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced plans to launch the Resilience through Integrated Systems and Excellence program to benefit children.
Known as OhioRISE, the initiative aims to provide resources for families with children who are struggling with special needs. These could include developmental disabilities, mental illness, substance abuse or a combination of conditions. DeWine pointed out one case in which a father had to give up custody of his child to receive the help needed.
“Far too many families in Ohio struggle to stay together, and in many cases that’s not because of abuse or neglect … because their children have very complex needs,” DeWine said, adding that many Ohio families are overwhelmed and often deal with multiple state agencies. “As a result, their children do not really get the care that they need. Too often, families are having to choose betwee
ST. CLAIRSVILLE The Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services is putting out the call for foster parents, with a new round of classes beginning
Times Leader Staff Writer
ST. CLAIRSVILLE The COVID-19 pandemic dealt a blow to tourism in Belmont County, but tourism Director Barb Ballint voiced hope for a turnaround in 2021 and said some grant funding is available to help events and attractions get back on their feet.
Ballint delivered her fourth quarter 2020 report to the commissioners Wednesday.
“It was a tough year for the tourism industry. We were probably one of the hardest-hit industries due to the pandemic,” she said. “We had to adjust to that. The tourism office used our platform as a resource of information, which helped many people navigate.”