Facing down opposition, Sandisfield selectboard approves large-scale cannabis grow facility
The selectboard approved the project with amended restrictions proposed by board member George Riley. Construction could begin within 12–18 months.
Sandisfield Selectman George Riley
The vote by the three-member board was unanimous and came attached with some conditions proposed by board member George Riley after discussions with town counsel Jonathan M. Silverstein. Most of those conditions were already in the application and in the host community agreement Sama signed with the town last year. The board revised Riley’s conditions slightly before incorporating them into the motion to approve the permit. Click here to read the revised conditions Riley provided to The Edge.
A parcel of land on Town Hill Road in Sandisfield is at the center of a debate between neighbors and Sama Productions, LLC, a company that is looking to build a marijuana greenhouse and manufacturing plant in the area. On Thursday, the townâs Planning Board will hold a public hearing on a draft of cannabis bylaws. EAGLE FILE PHOTO
SANDISFIELD â As several cannabis firms vie for permits to operate here, the Planning Board will present a draft of its first set of proposed regulations for the industry at a public hearing Thursday.
The hearing will be held by phone and videoconference at 6 p.m. to propose a final set of bylaws to be voted on at annual town meeting, the date of which has not yet been set.