What’s New at PWPL: Oddballs and misfits
The field of library science is all about organizing and disseminating information. Stuff comes into the library, and in my department, we prepare that stuff so you can find it. Most of the time, this process is straightforward because we have a system in place: teen fiction goes with teen fiction by author, picture books with picture books by author, adult non-fiction goes to the upper level arranged by Dewey decimal call number, most DVDs go on the main floor by title.
Every so often, something comes into the library that makes me pause and think, “where does this fit?” I’ve noticed that many of the hard-to-fit items are also the most interesting. The following titles all required a little extra consideration before they found their place on the shelf.
What’s New at Peter White Public Library?
“What It’s Like to be a Bird: From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing What Birds are Doing, and Why” written and illustrated by David Allen Sibley, another great addition to his bibliography. In short essays, Sibley has explored some of the more interesting behaviors of birds to create a deeper understanding and appreciation of the species. One of the most fascinating things I came across was that the peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world, reaching up to 242 miles per hour! Another interesting fact is the barn owls asymmetrical ear flaps: One ear is angled down to receive sounds from below and the other is angled up to capture sound from above.
Feb 6, 2021
With social distancing, people have been asking for a lot more book recommendations than they usually do, and one of the most common requests I get is for “just plain good books.”
This is a pretty tall order, because there are just so many. But, to start you off, here are a few of our newest books, guaranteed to keep you hooked with their amazing stories.
If you need more recommendations, call the reference desk at 906-228-9510 ext. 3 or request a Library in a Bag full of personalized selections online at pwpl.info.
Betty, is a truly stunning novel that follows the life of young Betty Carpenter through her own writing as she struggles with her brutal family history. Set in the impoverished, but naturally beautiful foothills of the Ohio Appalachians, and inspired by the brave women in McDaniel’s own family, Betty’s story is not one you will soon forget. You will be captivated and inspired by the lyrical prose that weaves poetry, folk
Many new films originate from the storylines of very old books. Other books have the film rights scooped up as soon as they are published. Check out some of the