6:00 AM June 5, 2021
East Devon councillors, based at Blackdown House, can look forward to life without Zoom meetings
- Credit: Tim Dixon
East Devon District Council’s leader Councillor Paul Arnott, who has been re-elected to continue in his post, has spoken out about the past year and plans for the year ahead.
This includes his plans for Cranbrook to ‘help it emerge from some tangled knots remaining from its first ten years’ and looking at how to ensure Axminster reaches its full ‘potential’ along with many more focuses for towns and areas across the district.
Another key focus will be climate change issues and the Council’s new Poverty Action Policy, among many others.
You can share your views on the future of Dalwood, near Axminster, and have your say on a new Neighbourhood Plan that aims to create a vibrant, active and.
Daniel Clark
11:30 AM May 12, 2021
Councils are facing the logistical nightmare of trying to meet physically while abiding by social distancing guideline
- Credit: Archant
Councils are facing the logistical nightmare of trying to meet physically while abiding by social distancing guidelines after a bid to allow the continuation of online council meetings was rejected by the High Court.
The emergency legislation allowing virtual council meetings will not be extended beyond May 7 – and on Wednesday, the High Court dismissed the appeal, with judges saying primary legislation would be needed to extend the use of online meetings and it was not for the courts to set that legislation.