2021 Schoolyard Action Grants Awarded Throughout New Hampshire
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CONTACT: Kaitlyn Kelleher, NH Fish and Game Department: Kaitlyn.Kelleher@wildlife.nh.gov Ted Kendziora, US Fish and Wildlife Service: Ted Kendziora@fws.gov
April 8, 2020
Concord, NH – The Schoolyard Action Grant Team (Team) has awarded over $11,000 in small grants to schools throughout the Granite State. The selected institutions are working on outdoor classrooms, habitat areas, and pollinator gardens.
This year’s grant awards support a mix of projects including: the Montessori Schoolhouse of Cheshire County in Keene, which will use funding to create a pollinator garden; Gale River Cooperative Preschool in Bethlehem, which plans to develop a four-season trail with learning stations about native birds, habitat, and ecology; and Lincoln Street School in Exeter, which will utilize funds to create gardens designed for the monarch butterfly and
Town Meeting preview: Piermont looks to borrow $464,000 for road construction
Published: 3/4/2021 4:43:11 PM
Modified: 3/4/2021 4:43:08 PM
Hot topic: Voters will be asked to allow Piermont to borrow up to $464,000 for the reconstruction of Indian Pond Road, Lily Pond Road and Bedford Road.
Budget: The town’s proposed $1.04 million operating budget, which the Selectboard voted, 3-0, to recommend, requires an estimated $837,684 to be raised in taxes. After $113,846 was appropriated for police last year, the proposed budget increases the amount by nearly $30,000 to $143,639.
Noteworthy articles: The Selectboard is asking voters to approve spending $64,000 on temporarily repairing Indian Pond, Lily Pond and Bedford roads by putting down a thin layer of asphalt through a process known as shimming.