The undeniable best breakfast
I want to preface this entire article by saying that breakfast in general is the best meal of the day, no questions asked. Let’s first assure ourselves of this. Does anybody even consider lunch to be the best meal of the day? What does lunch even have to offer that either breakfast or dinner do not? Sandwiches? Even then, you always see people having sandwiches for breakfast or dinner, so I am convinced that anyone who thinks lunch is the best meal of the day needs to go see the Brandeis Counseling Center.
It’s clear it is a battle between breakfast and dinner, and there is indeed an obvious winner (if you couldn’t tell by the title and first paragraph). Here, fill in the blank for me and maybe it will clue you in as to why: is the most important meal of the day. If you have ever been on the internet or spoken to your eccentric new-diet-trend friend, then you must certainly know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, for both