Hamilton s response: Definitely we’d like to get her current info (home address, phone, work address, vehicle, whatever else you can share!).
Kominek replied with this: Yes, I m just waiting on her to call me back.The address we have on file for her is from 2001 so I m not sure if it s current. I will get all of her current info as soon as she calls me back. She will call because I have her record blocked from getting any kind of ID and I know she wants an ID. She added a smiley emoticon at the end of the email.
Now Democratic lawmakers in the legislature plan to introduce a measure in the next session that would officially limit information-sharing between the state and federal agencies, especially in matters involving immigration. There s definitely a need for more protections, says Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, a Democrat who represents parts of west Denver. It s about protecting information of undocumented folks, of immigrants, [and ensuring] that our state agencies are not sharing that information inappropriately with ICE and other types of entities.
To determine how many requests the feds had made,
Westword obtained the State of Colorado reports generated in relation to Polis s guidance memo from June 20 through October 15 of the past year.