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Deadlock starts with a thriller cliché: torrential rain that causes traffic troubles all over Europe and briefly steals the headlines from topics such as the refugee crisis. Mejra (
Mirjam Korbar) is alone in her apartment in the Fužine district of Ljubljana, known for its predominant immigrant population from the southern ex-Yugoslav states. A strange man, whose name is later revealed to be Andrej (
Uroš Fürst), appears at her door, saying that he has something important to talk to her about, though he is reluctant to tell her what the deal is exactly. Mejra’s husband Emir (one of Slovenia’s best liked movie actors, the late
Klemen Kostrevc and Domen Novak in Let Him Be a Basketball Player 2 by Boris Bezić
LJUBLJANA: Several film projects were interrupted because of the Coronavirus pandemic, most of them postponed to a later date, some of them to 2021; film theatres and multiplexes were more or less closed almost all year (completely closed for five months, operating with limited seating capacity for another five months). For the same reason the distribution and cinema releases were very limited, which resulted in a drop in cinema attendance of almost 80%.
The Slovenian Film Centre (SFC), which had announced a new strategy for the next four years in November 2019, found itself in a compromised position with the Slovenian Government fulfilling its financial obligations only on the very last day of 2020. Not being able to execute the majority of already confirmed payments to the Slovenian producers during the year caused a major protest and jeopardised the existence of many film projects and the Sloveni