Bail in the sum of $20,000 has been granted to the Lauders resident accused of the manslaughter of his younger brother. Timmy ‘Bambi’ Williams, a 38-year-old bus conductor, was escorted in police custody to the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court (KMC) on Tuesday, June 1. There he was charged that on May 27, in Lauders, by an unlawful act, he caused the death of Larry ‘Divey’ Williams, a 36-year-old farmer …
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Bambi Williams assembles oatmeal cream pies Wednesday in her kitchen in Mechanic Falls. She opened Baked By Bambi in October and is moving soon to a retail storefront.
MECHANIC FALLS Growing up, Bambi Williams played ‘visit my bakery’ instead of playing house. Living in New York for almost a decade, she worked in a school and catered on the side, introducing friends and colleagues to Maine whoopie pies, an instant hit.
Back in Maine in 2012, baking took a back burner to family and career. Furloughed from a day care job last spring, she started up again.
Williams opened Baked By Bambi from her home in October, partly, she said, from a renewed love of baking and partly to show her kids that you’re never too old to go for it.