Chandigarh, February 15
Taking a leaf out of the year 2020 when the world was hit by a pandemic, students of Shiv Nadar School, Faridabad, (a not-for-profit initiative of the Shiv Nadar Foundation) have tried to address the concerns of contaminated surfaces in public areas through an innovation. An all-girl team of five Class X students has come up with SAFE, a self-sanitising bench installed with UV sterilising light, which can reduce the risk of transmitting infections like Viral Conjunctivitis, Influenza and Hepatitis A, besides COVID 19.
This bench works through ultrasonic sensors which automatically switch on once the user gets off, followed by an automatic sanitisation process through the UV light. Interestingly, the bench also has a QR code that gives the exact date and time of the last sanitisation process.