Lakewood Assisted Living and Memory Care in Brookfield For over a decade, Sunshine Retirement Living has made the health, safety and wellness of our residents and staff our top priority and that philosophy has only strengthened during the pandemic, said Luis Serrano, CEO, Sunshine Retirement Living. In fact, we have escalated and heightened our industry-leading safety protocol, researching and implementing additional critical measures to keep our communities as safe as possible. This pioneering Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization technology has been one of our most effective tools in the fight against the COVID virus and will continue to protect our residents for years to come.
5,000 COVID Vaccine Doses Allotted for The Pineywoods This Week
The Texas Department of State Health Services has released their week 8 distribution numbers of COVID-19 vaccine doses across the state. Some 5,000 doses were allotted for counties in Deep East Texas including Angelina, Nacogdoches, Shelby, San Augustine, Houston, Tyler, Newton, Jasper and Polk.
Here is a list of the businesses, clinics, hospitals, or pharmacies in the Pineywoods that received or will receive allotments in week 8 (2/1/2021). The number of doses allotted is also indicated. All doses are the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
Jasper-Newton Co Public Health District, 139 W Lamar St., Jasper - 1,600
Angelina County & Cities Health District, 503 Hill St., Lufkin - 700