Opera Atelier has announced a thrilling film premiere of Angel - fully-staged and filmed at St. Lawrence Hall, in strict compliance with provincial health and safety regulations - streaming Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 7pm ET (available until Friday, November 12, 2021).
LONDON, ONT. If you live in London and have a passion for music, you may have had the good fortune to work with collaborative pianist and Music Director, Marque Smith. Smith, an accomplished classical pianist and deserved recipient of the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Governor General for dedicated service to his peers, studied classical piano through the Royal Conservatory of Music, as well as jazz piano at Humber College. Prior to moving to London, Smith was the accompanist of the Nathaniel Dett Chorale and Musical Director of the Caribbean Chorale of Toronto and the DareArts Choir.