HARWICH The second town meeting in a row held outside to lessen the potential impact of COVID-19 was not an easy one for voters to endure.
Harwich Town Moderator Michael Ford warned voters at the outset that a hat might be needed as Canada geese were flying overhead. An osprey clutching a fish in its talons, circled, landing on its nest atop a light pole on the Monomoy Regional High School athletic field, the pleading of hungry young birds momentarily interrupting the meeting debate below.
But it was a piercingly cold spring wind sweeping over the field that was especially hard to endure, and it winnowed participants from the more than 250 that constituted a quorum at the start of the meeting to just over 100 by the final article.
Michaela Chesin, Banner Staff
PROVINCETOWN The Provincetown Public Pier Corporation continues to face legal challenges after reclassifying commercial fishermen’s vessels last year – especially from one person.
Provincetown resident and fisherman David Flattery was shocked last summer when he was no longer granted a commercial fishing slip at MacMillan Pier, a spot he held since 2015 for his 22-foot his shellfish vessel Bethany Lynn, he said.
Pier Corp. Board of Director members and Pier Manager Doug Boulanger made the decisions while trying to correctly apply local harbor regulations so that fishermen who are allocated slips at the town-owned pier, and are designated as full-time commercial fishermen, fit the qualifications in the regulations, according to their comments at public meetings.