Drishyam 2, the Mohanlal starrer that was recently released on Amazon Prime Video, has earned the OTT blockbuster status. Later, it was also confirmed that Drishyam 2 is all set to get a sequel soon. In a recent interview, director Jeethu Joseph made a major revelation about the third part in Drishyam franchise.
Director Jeethu Joseph is basking in the success of Drishyam 2 starring Mohanlal. In an interview, he revealed that he has written a climax for Drishyam 3.
Drishyam 2, the second installment of the Drishyam franchise, has opened to overwhelmingly positive reviews. Now, producer Antony Perumabavoor has confirmed that the Drishyam franchise will continue, and a third part is on cards. Read on to know more.