Dover Letters to the Editor: A few words from Carolyn Malloy
Carolyn Malloy, Dover
Dear Dover Community,
I’d like to congratulate the winner and incumbent of the Dover-Sherborn Regional School committee seat, Maggie Charron. I would also like to congratulate Stephanie Kube, on a race well done, as she was an absolute pleasure to get to know.
To everyone who supported me, I want to express sincere gratitude! Although I did not win the election, it was very close: Maggie Charron 492, Carolyn Malloy 432, Stephanie Kube 108. Our voices were heard, which is so important!
The message of putting academic excellence and the social and emotional well-being of our students at the forefront resonated strongly with many in our community. Our work has just begun!
DOVER The City Council voted Wednesday night to approve the purchase of a Voyage Mark II Scale Solar System to be installed along the city s Community Trail.
On an evening centered around passionate comments about the school budget and possible cuts to educator jobs and raises, the discussion to use school impact fees to purchase the $60,000 installation also became a hotly discussed topic.
The installation will allow visitors of the trail to walk past signs engraved with information on a scaled model of the solar system, starting at the sun and ending at Pluto, as part of the Voyage National Program. It will be located near the new trailhead that is currently being constructed at the intersection of Rutland Street and Central Avenue.
DOVER – The city is looking to purchase a solar system exhibit that could transform a section of the Community Trail into a STEM experience for students and community members alike.
Visitors of the trail would walk past signs engraved with information on a scaled model of the solar system, starting at the sun and ending at Pluto.
Chris Parker, assistant city manager and planning director, spoke with the city School Board at Monday s meeting, explaining the city and school district have been evaluating possibly adding a Voyage Mark II Scale Model Solar System Exhibition to Dover, as part of the Voyage National Program.
• 86% of partial renovation/partial new construction option respondents supported the “Save the 1910” plan • 82% of entirely new construction option respondents supported the “Two Story” plan.
Schematic Designs of these two plans will be presented at a tentative June Special Town Meeting, where voters will be asked to say YES to one of these two options (funding capped at $13m) to go to final construction, with a projected completion date in 2023.
For further information please visit the Town of Doverma Building Committee website:
Or email your comments and feedback to:
Dover Community Center - Survey closes at 9pm tonight (Wednesday Feb 14)