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By 08/04/2021
The Tomales Bay Youth Center, a hub for young people located on the West Marin School campus, has been adopted by West Marin Community Services. The acquisition will provide a more secure future for the center, which started in 2011 as a program of the West Marin Lions Club. Over time, the project grew and provided after-school services and served as a hub for youth advocacy. Madeline Hope, the director of the youth center, said the project relied on many disparate funding streams and the Lions Club had been looking to merge with a larger community partner for years; at the same time, West Marin Community Services was looking to expand its influence on youth services. After consulting with the Center for Volunteer Nonprofit Leadership and conducting a feasibility study, the boards of the Lions Club and West Marin Community Services voted to move forward with the merger, which began on July 1. Ms. Hope said she was thrilled to be partnerin
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By 06/30/2021
West Marin vaccination rates are high, but the county admits its numbers are somewhat unreliable. The county as a whole boasts one of the highest vaccination rates in the nation, surpassing 90 percent of the eligible population last week. But understanding rates in rural Marin is complicated by two factors: the county’s listing of rates by census tract rather than by town, and the presence of populations that are difficult to capture in census estimates.
Data on vaccination rates is available on the Marin County Health and Human Services website, where it is grouped by census tract; West Marin, with its low population density, has only four tracts. None of the communities meet the minimum population requirement of 1,000 residents for releasing local data on Covid-19 vaccinations or case rates. Dr. Lisa Santora, the county’s deputy public health officer, said the requirement protects individuals “where it might be easier to discern