Agronomy site looks to new combine, drone to grow studies An agronomy research site in Indian Head is eyeing a new drone and combine, among other items, to advance grain-based agriculture methods.
Author of the article: Evan Radford
Publishing date: Mar 08, 2021 • March 8, 2021 • 3 minute read • Drones, like the one in this September 2014 file photo near Govan, Sask., are used by agriculture researchers to measure field moisture and temperature in producers fields from an an aerial perspective. Don Healy files Photo by Don Healy /Regina Leader-Post
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A new combine and a new drone are among the items on the shopping list for a small-plot agriculture research site hoping to grow a bit bigger thanks to an influx of research money.
Echo Mountain Fire aftermath…
Portland, OR – Oregon Parks Forever, a statewide nonprofit, today announced the establishment of a Wildfire Tree Replanting Fund. The goal of the fund is to plant at least One Million trees. Each dollar donated will plant a tree!
Since the 1990’s, Oregon has seen significant increases in the number of acres burned statewide. 2020 saw the second largest number of acres burned since 1990. During the summer of 2020, more than one million acres of trees on Oregon lands were burned. This was more than twice the average annual amount of damage that Oregon experienced between 2010 and 2019.
This comes at a time when the budgets of public land managers are already stressed due to ongoing funding challenges and the COVID pandemic.