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This includes (to name a few) national brands like:
Woolworths, Coles, Caltex
Target, Jimmy Brings, Iconic
Click here from more general information about PERKBOX
How to use Perkbox (Desktop/Laptop)
Below is a walk through as to how to use Perkbox on a Desktop/Laptop.
If you need help with your Perkbox account login contact the Alive 90.5 FM Tech team as
1. Login
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Hong Kong budget: residents to receive HK$5,000 in digital vouchers in bid to boost local economy
Government will distribute handouts via electronic platforms, with adult permanent residents and new arrivals getting HK$1,000 a month for five months
But social-distancing rules could end up undermining the drive to get people out and spending, while others might be reluctant to spend big on meals given uncertain economic climate