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Housing and Development Newsletter
“It is an amazing feeling to even get to do this today,” Beebe said. “I realize we re restricted on the field, but we have people from around the world who are watching via the streaming services that are being provided today.”
Russell Howell, professor of mathematics at Westmont, provided introductory remarks.
“I realized not all of you are parents of our graduates,” Howell said. “You are all here because you have had a significant influence on their lives. Rest assured that your influence will certainly continue.”
Graduation exercises serve to celebrate the completion of an academic program by its graduating seniors, Howell said.
Housing and Development Newsletter
For those who are unable to get the vaccine before returning to campus, the student health centers may be able to assist in finding a local resource for vaccinations, and faculty and staff will be advised on the process for providing vaccination information after the policy is finalized, according to the UC Office of the President.
The UC system is engaging the community in a discussion of the details of the new policy so that students, faculty and staff will have ample time to get the vaccine ahead of the fall term. UC Santa Barbara’s policy coordinator announced the beginning of the official 30-day review period on Sunday.