Political Engagement: A New Article Of Lived Faith - Honolulu Civil Beat
Political Engagement: A New Article Of Lived Faith
People in the pews and those who have left must challenge faith leaders who have helped advance political agendas that hurt people.
About the Author
Dawn Morais (who uses the byline Dawn Morais Webster for Civil Beat Community Voices) has called Hawaii home since 2001. Following a corporate career, she now provides communications counsel to nonprofits and teaches at the University of Hawaii. Her writing has appeared in local media, National Catholic Reporter, The Merton Seasonal, The Baltimore Sun, and Bamboo Ridge. A dissident Catholic, she worships at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church in Kalihi, host to Hawaii’s first Catholic Worker House.
Guest Commentary
Although I left the Catholic Church many years ago, I have a great deal of respect for members of the Society of Jesus Jesuit priests and brothers. As one of their missions is education, Jesuits have a reputation for being first-rate scholars who take on controversial issues regarding the Catholic Church. Pope Francis is a Jesuit, the first pontiff from the Society of Jesus. Writing in America The Jesuit Review magazine, Fr. James Martin posits that some Catholic clergy helped give rise to mob violence at the U.S. Capitol in January. He provides numerous examples of vitriolic anti-Joe Biden-Democratic Party YouTube presentations, sermons, writings and remarks by Roman Catholic clergy.
Highlighting arguments that incarcerated persons should be high on the list for the COVID vaccines
I have been pleased to see recently more than a few commentaries making the case for making sure persons in prisons and jails have access to the coming COVID vaccines. Here is a round up of some of these recent pieces: