The following lecture was delivered at the Socialist Equality Party (US) 2021 summer school by Eric London, a writer for the WSWS and author of Agents: The FBI and GPU Infiltration of the Trotskyist Movement .
Are election posters obsolete? Researchers don't think so. These campaigning staples are a proven game-changer for political parties and go back a long way.
26 Temmuz 2021 Pazartesi
Tarihteki acı olaylardan ders çıkaranlar, geleceklerini daha saÄlam temeller üzerine inÅa edebilirler. Türkiyeânin de, Almanyaâda 1932 ve 1933 yılında yaÅananlardan alacaÄı çok önemli dersler var.
1932 yılının kasım ayında yapılan serbest seçimlerde,
Adolf Hitlerâin Nazi partisi, oyların yüzde 33âünü alarak birinci parti çıktı. Aynı seçimde Sosyal Demokrat Parti yüzde 20, Komünist Parti yüzde 17, Merkez Parti yüzde 12, Alman Ulusal Halk Partisi yüzde 8 oy aldı. Kalan oylar da oy tabanları düÅük olan küçük partilerin arasında daÄıldı.
Misusing the F-word
To effectively combat today’s far right we must begin by rejecting lazy analogies. Jack Conrad calls for clear historical thinking
Liberal and left opinion has been in part horrified, in part dumbfounded by the repeated electoral successes of the far right: Narendra Modi and the BJP in India, Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil; Russia, Japan, Turkey, Sri Lanka and Israel can also be mentioned. Above all, though, there was and remains Donald J Trump. Although soundly beaten in the electoral college and in the popular vote on November 3 2020, he still got 74 million votes. This surpassed the previous record set by Barack Obama by more than seven million, giving him the highest vote of any sitting president in US history.
PREFACE: The term âconspiracy theory (CT) is often used to attack the credibility of an explanation of a key event. If, for example, a conservative says the 2020 Presidential election was decided by widespread, fraudulent, voter manipulation, a liberal will call the conservative a “conspiracy theorist”.  But a âconspiracy theorist’ can be a critical thinker who applies knowledge, wisdom and proven instinct in the search for truth beyond and beneath conventional wisdom.  Â
The subtitle of a relatively recent book tells the history of understanding a key event in Nazi Germany: “
Burning the Reichstag: An Investigation into the Third Reich’s Enduring Mystery,” by Benjamin Carter Hett, Oxford Press, 2014. Â