Once known as "white gold," salt is essential to life. No wonder it's trickled into German idioms. And oversalting is seen as a sign that you're in love.
You'll probably need to bite in the sour apple to learn German properly! Here are different German expressions involving fruit to tickle your taste buds.
To be fire and flame: German expressions with fire
May 4 marks International Firefighters Day a time to honor their work, while also learning some German expressions involving fire.
How the German language plays with fire
Feuer und Flamme für etwas sein
Literally, to be fire and flame for something, it means to feel passionately about something, to be all for it, to be incredibly enthusiastic.
How the German language plays with fire
Für jemanden durchs Feuer gehen To walk through a fire for someone means you would do anything for someone; you have their back.
How the German language plays with fire
Heaven on earth and other German expressions
The pandemic has been dominating headlines over the year, but our planet is also begging for attention. To honor Earth Day, here are a few down-to-earth idioms from the German language.
8 German expressions using the word earth
Wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen To shoot up out of the earth, but the more common variant is (wie Pilze) aus dem Boden schießen. It means that something appears very quickly, or that things spring up all over the place, just like mushrooms seems to multiply before your very eyes.
8 German expressions using the word earth
You forge your own happiness : 11 German maxims
The German language is rich in idioms about happiness, joy and good fortune. Try your luck by clicking through the gallery.
Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied
Literally, Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied means that you are the blacksmith of your happiness and good fortune. You forge your own destiny; you are the architect of your own fortune.
Glücklich ist, wer vergisst, was nicht mehr zu ändern ist
It s both rhyme and wisdom all in one: Glücklich ist, wer vergisst, was nicht mehr zu ändern ist means that people can be happy when they forget about what they can t change anymore, when they put something out of their minds, forget about the past and move on. A perfect recipe for happiness!