Protecting Your Crew, Even While Driving
You must not only take care of yourself, you must be more focused to ensure that everything you and your crew do to complete work, including driving, is done with the highest level of safety possible.
May 27, 2021
Adobe Photoshop | (C)2014 Igor Stevanovic
Most contractors recognize the importance of having foremen who not only can place good quality work, but also a foreman who can and does look out for their workers. Safety, both on the site and driving to a from a site, is both important and expected.
Recently, I worked with a foreman, a very good foreman, who was driving a material truck. He had a passenger, one of his workers, who did not have his seat belt buckled. When the truck, with more than three hundred gallons of material left in the tank, entered a ramp to exit a street; the truck was moving at 59 MPH. The speed limit on the curve? 45 MPH!
The Beacon
The Lake Erie Love sign on the Port Clinton beach is popular for picture taking, so city workers added enhancements to help keep the cameras in focus. (Photo by D’Arcy Patrick Egan)
Beautiful, balmy blue skies lured residents and visitors to the Port Clinton beach last weekend, where they found new concrete walkways and user-friendly steps being put in place.
As usual, the Lake Erie Love sign in Waterworks Park was the place to stop for family photographs. City work crews had already made it more accommodating, with steps behind the sign making it easier to snap a photo or two.
Old Bridge Ward 1 Councilman David Merwin Announces Campaign for Re-Election April 20, 2021, 2:08 pm | in PRESS RELEASE
Official Kick Off Rally Tuesday May 4th,2021 – 6PM to 8PM
Lisa’s Pizza, Route 35 & Laurence Parkway
All are welcome and Light Refreshments Will Be Served
Old Bridge Township Councilman David Merwin has filed for his re-election and will be on the ballot in the November General Election. Dave is well known for his service to Ward 1 and many local residents know and have met Dave as he works to solve their problems. He has served multiple terms on the Township Planning Board, on the Library Board, and as Commissioner on the OBMUA. For the last twelve (12) years, Dave has coordinated the local Memorial Day Parade, and for the last twenty (20) years, he has been a coordinator of the Salt-Water Day Festival, both of which are centered in Laurence Harbor and Cliffwood Beach. Dave Merwin was an original member of the Center Barrier
Jersey barriers, parklets and pocket parks: Rockland Downtown Traffic Committee makes recommendations
Sarah Thompson
Downtown Rockland, in 2016. (File photo by Ron Hawkes)
ROCKLAND “It does not have to be a tourist town that we sell to others but avoid ourselves,” said Connie Hayes, Rockland resident and member of the 2021 Planning Committee for Downtown Rockland.
On Wednesday, April 8, the 22-member committee, facilitated by Rockland Main Street’s David Gogel and City Councilor Louise MacLellan-Ruf, presented recommendations to Council regarding a plan for road and sidewalk use in the downtown area, infrastructure and beautification improvements, what was best for Rockland businesses, enhancement of public access, and serving the community during COVID-19.