XGR-Open FieldS Doctrine
PIERRE, S.D. – Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning killed a bill that would have prevented South Dakota Conservation Offices from entering onto private lands.
HB1140 was offered by the State Game, Fish and Parks department at the urging of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and Lt. Governor Larry Rhoden. A number of west river landowners testified their support as did lobbyist representing the state stock growers, cattlemen, and a number of hunting guide and outfitter associations.
Opposition came from former state GF&P Secretaries John Cooper and Jeff Vonk and a host of conservation groups and associations. South Dakota Wildlife Federation President Zach Hunke called the bill, “a problem in search of a solution.”
South Dakota governor s bill will handcuff game wardens, former agency official says
“A lot of this is about politics, and this is mostly a political stance from Gov. Noem about overregulation,” said John Cooper, the state’s former GF&P secretary. Written By: Luke J. Hagen | 7:02 pm, Feb. 12, 2021 ×
MITCHELL, S.D. A former top state official says the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Department “is under the pressure of the governor” to support a bill that he believes will significantly hinder the work of conservation officers.
John Cooper, the state’s GF&P secretary from April 1995 to January 2007, will be testifying against House Bill 1140 when it is introduced Tuesday into the House Agriculture and Natural Resources committee. The bill “restricts the entry of conservation officers onto certain private land without permission” and has been supported vocally by GF&P Interim Secretary Kevin Robling. It is being brought fo