Fauci Now Says COVID-19 Vaccine May Become Mandatory
Will the COVID-19 vaccine become mandatory? That’s a question many are asking these days and, by the looks of it, the answer may well be yes although as I’ll explain later, I suspect the harms of the vaccine will become so apparent that it’ll kill such efforts before they become widespread.
In a January 1, 2021, Newsweek interview,
1 Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was “sure” some institutions and businesses will require employees to be vaccinated, and that it’s “quite possible” the vaccine will be required for overseas travel.
When asked about the possibility of mandating the vaccine on a local level, such as for children attending school, he stated that “Everything will be on the table for discussion.” That said, he pointed out that since “we almost never mandate things federally” with regard to health he doesn’t believe a national vaccine mandate will be enacted.
How COVID-19 Is Changing the Future of Vaccines
2 “The Future of Vaccines,” investigative journalist James Corbett reviews how the novel COVID-19 vaccine is paving the way for nonconsensual medical experimentation on the general public.
As noted by Corbett, if the international medical establishment get their way, nothing will get back to “normal” until world health officials have definitively determined there is an effective COVID vaccine in place.
Even then, however, things may not go back to the normal we’re accustomed to or expect. Since the beginning of the pandemic, world leaders have warned that social distancing, mask wearing, travel restrictions and other measures will become part of our “new normal.”
How a COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System
NOTE: It’s important to know that if healthcare professionals are respecting a patient’s right of informed consent, then there is a substantial body of critical medical and scientific literature and information which should be made available to anyone prior to the administration of any drug or pharmaceutical product, especially if the product is a new or experimental technology. Readers should be aware that during the current mobilization effort to fast-track various products meant to treat COVID-19, they should still exercise their right of informed consent recognized under international law and seek both ethical medical counsel and any relevant information pertaining to any possible long-term health risks associated these products.