This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. In 1991 Los Angeles Times Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated sports columnist Jim…
Suicide of the West,1964. “We can get bogged down discussing all the changes by the Kennedy Administration that doomed the Bay of Pigs freedom-fight, which was planned under the Eisenhower administration with V. Pres. Nixon as its main booster. But the bottom line is that underlying all those changes was the American liberal’s guilt-complex. In brief, Kennedy and his people didn’t have their hearts in a mission to forcibly overthrow the communist Castro regime.” Author Humberto Fontova, during a question-answer session with House Committee on Foreign Relations, Capitol Hill, Aug.1, 2007. And nobody ever accused the Castro regime of being unperceptive about who their friends are. To wit: