Innovative nature projects awarded funding to drive private investment
A pioneering new fund to drive private investment in nature and tackle climate change has been awarded to 27 projects
14 July 2021 An aerial view of the north bank of the Humber estuary, one of the sites where the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology wants to market the climate benefits of saltmarsh restoration
Projects to restore kelp forests, create new woodland, deliver natural flood risk management, and improve water quality are among an initial 27 schemes to benefit from a pioneering new fund to drive private investment in nature and tackle climate change, Defra, the Environment Agency & Natural England have announced today (14 July 2021).
In Brief
Maryland’s Legislature recently considered, but did not have time to pass, SB0737 the Comprehensive Conservation Finance Act after it was developed collaboratively with both conservation nonprofit and private capital groups.
The bill tweaks a number of regulations concerning conservation programs to crowd-in private capital for a greater quantity and diversity of conservation projects for the Chesapeake Bay.
More broadly, it spurs discussion about incentives for land aggregation vehicles and capacity building in the conservation finance ecosystem.
(Courtesy the Conservation Fund.) From idea to impetus to investment, Maryland s bill aims for impact.
A Bill to Bring Private Capital to Public-Private