For some reason I've always gotten the following expression wrong. Ever hear of someone suggesting, the hair of the dog when talking about hangover remedies? Well, I'm sure it's just the Jersey in me, but I always thought the expression was bite the dog that bit ya. In other words, if something hurts you or is making you feel bad, confront it and only if necessary, bite back. There's a cheesesteak shop in Jersey that does just that. In fact, in the owner's own words, he punches the bully right in the mouth and it couldn't be more Jersey.
W ramach programu Poland Plays ESO redakcja CD-Action postanowiła przybliżyć czytelnikom wielki i bogaty w przygody świat The Elder Scrolls Online. Na przestrzeni kolejnych dni spodziewajcie się z naszej strony wielu materiałów związanych z tym ogromnym MMORPG! Tym razem opowiemy o społeczności gry i poradzimy, jak zagrać grać w ESO po polsku!