by Greg Bishop, The Center Square | June 29, 2021 07:00 PM Print this article
A southeastern school district has been put on probation for relaxing its mask guidance.
If the district doesn’t change that, it could lead to the state closing the school.
This, as a large schools association, pushes for the state’s COVID-19 guidelines to be in line with the governor’s reopening plan.
The Red Hill school board in state Rep. Adam Niemerg’s district, has already relaxed their mask policy.
“They made the masks optional going into this fall,” said Niemerg, R-Dieterich. “They didn’t hear anything for quite a while from the Illinois State Board of Education but just recently received a letter placing them on probation.”
Normal, IL, USA /
Jun 28, 2021 | 4:14 PM
(The Center Square) – A southeastern school district has been put on probation for relaxing its mask guidance. If the district doesn’t change that, it could lead to the state closing the school.This, as a large schools association, pushes for the state’s COVID-19 guidelines to be in line with the governor’s reopening plan.The Red Hill school board in state Rep. Adam Niemerg’s district, has already relaxed their mask policy.“They made the masks optional going into this fall,” said Niemerg, R-Dieterich. “They didn’t hear anything for quite a while from the Illinois State Board of Education but just recently received a letter placing them on probation.”In the letter, obtained by The Center Square, ISBE said “Since the Red Hill board adopted its masking policy, our team has reached out to you on numerous occasions to reiterate the current law and the potential, serious consequences to the district for its
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