12:00 AM
DISROBED - THE VIRTUAL EVENT - The Covid masks are finally coming off - and so is everything else! The Hollywood Fringe Festival comedy hit Disrobed: Why So Clothes Minded? returns online in a new encore Zoom presentation with an all new national cast, more outrageous and more naked than ever, and for one weekend only, May 20-23. It s Meet the Parents - with Nudists! Only one online ticket is required for each household or device, and the show may be viewed at any time on demand day or night for the date purchased. Recommended PG17+, includes nudity, but is, in fact, family friendly. click here
8:00 AM
Drift by Daniel Wohl - Commissioned by iSing Silicon Valley Girlchoir - Commissioned by iSing, Drift is a five-minute multimedia work for treble choir, electronics, acoustic instruments, and video. It is iSing s first multimedia, and entirely digital commission. Drift will debut on May 15th at 8am on iSing s YouTube channel. The piece will also be a part of their concert, Choosing Harmony. click here
10:30 AM
Sonia De Los Santos - Children and grownups of all backgrounds adore the joyful and bright music of Sonia De Los Santos. Her songs, in both Spanish and English, reflect her inspiring journey of growing up in Mexico and moving to New York City. This performance will be streamed Live from The Conrad on May 15 and will be available to stream on-demand until May 22, 2021. click here
10:30 AM
And in This Corner: Cassius Clay-Community Listening Party - Every hero starts somewhere. For 12-year-old Cassius Clay Jr., who would become the sports legend known to the world as Muhammad Ali, it was a boxing gym in Louisville, Kentucky. This is the swift and vibrant origin story of how a determined young boy growing up in the Jim Crow South took on all challengers in his path to becoming.The Greatest. An unlikely hero is a classic story, but And in This Corner goes an extra, exhilarating round by exploring how remarkable communities help to create them. And in This Corner: Cassius Clay features Danté Crichlow, Sinclair Daniel, Langston Darby, Anthony Holiday, Franck Juste, Jacquelyn Landgraf, Eric Lockley, and Andy Schneeflock, all of whom are alumni of Atlantic Acting School! click here